Opening: 9:15
Welcome and Introduction (Marek Jeżabek, Adam Maj)
- Pawel Olko: Status of CCB (15')
- Bogdan Fornal: CCB Users Board (5')
- Witold Meczynski: Technical aspects of future experiments at CCB (15')
Physics cases
- E. Epelbaum: Modern theory of few-nucleon dynamics: state of the art and open challenges (20')
- E. Stephan: Program of experimental studies of few-nucleon dynamics at CCB (20')
- B. Kamys: Proton induced spallation (20')
- A. Bracco: Selective studies of vibrations via gamma-dacay in proton induced reactions (20')
- H. Sakai: High resolution measurements of neutrons in (p,n) scattering at 0 deegree (20')
- S. Kliczewski: Study of structure of light atomic nuclei using proton beams at energy ~ 200 MeV (15')
- J. Jastrzebski: Interaction of the intermediate energy protons and light particles with medium mass nuclei (15')
- A. Magiera: Investigation of gamma ray emission in processes relevant in cancer therapy (20')
Lunch: ca. 13:00
Visiting the CCB site: 13:30
Instrumentation 14:30
- A. Kozela: BINA (10')
- A. Maj: Hector and Paris - High-energy gamma-ray detectors (10')
- Z. Rudy: NESSI - Neutron Calorimiter (15')
- M. Csatlos: LENA - Low Energy Neutron Detector (15')
- M. I. Ahmed - Testing of SOI pixel detectors for particle physics (10')
- M. Zieblinski: Report from ACQ WG (10')
General Discussion 16:00(Conveners: A. Maj, B. Fornal)
Closing: ca. 17:00

Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka